Our Mission

Hands for Christ has a vision for reaching the world through Library Discipleship as a mission to fill the need to teach and train new converts bringing them into Christian maturity to strengthen their faith and equip them to do the works of God.

This interdenominational, evangelical nonprofit ministry is committed to providing Christian materials in the form of books, audio and video, tracts, bumper stickers and magazines which are educational, inspirational and biblically based.
Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Lord and I join hands with other Christians in fulfilling the Great Commission in our generation. Believing that He wants His Gospel shared with all men with the words of my mouth and the deeds of my hands. I commit myself to the ministry of Hands for Christ. The cross is central because it represents my hand pointing to Christ, the hope of all men. The other hand represents my hand extended to do deeds of mercy and justice, the evidence of my love for all men.